
Art Restoration: Gigantic Task Begins In Florence

Art Restoration: Gigantic Task Begins In Florence
Clip: 425560_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1754
Original Film: 039-096-01
Location: Florence, Italy
Timecode: 00:47:21 - 00:49:20

The City of Florence recovering from a devasting flood. An art museum is cleared to begin the gigantic task of cleaning and restoring its priceless art. Rare books and paintings are painstakingly dried and treated. MS A dug up city street in Florence, Italy. Exterior of one of Florence's museums. People completely covered in mud digging for hidden debris and removal. Camera pans books and art work that have been damaged in the floods. Volunteer workers make a human chain as they stand ankle deep in muddy water passing books to be restored. Piles and piles of books and papers soaked with water and mud. CU The restoration of books and art work. A woman carefully lifting the pages of book to investigate the damage. Book pages being laid with parchment paper. Art work is laid out to dry. A historian examining and cleaning a panting. Two volunteers removing caked on mud from some art relic. CU Two volunteers removing mud from a statue of the Madonna with Child. An artist cleaning up and saving one of the many art treasures from Florence. High Angle Shot a garden in Florence packed knee deep in mud. Inside of a church, volunteers sweep and mop under candlelit. MS A burial site of a Bishop getting washed and cleaned with a toothbrush. High Angle Shot Muddy trucks and earth movers fill the muddy streets of Florence, Italy.