
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973 (2/2)

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973 (2/2)
Clip: 486656_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10399
Original Film: 109004
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[01.14.53] ***SEE RESTRICTIONS FIELD IN RIGHTS SECTION**** Senator MONTOYA Well, Mr. Stone says $89,000, so there is conflict there--Mr. Sloan, I mean. Mr. STANS. Senator, may I say that I think Mr. Sloan's record a number of cases is that he said $81,000. I am sure that is the right one, Senator MONTOYA. And $39,000 on another occasion. Is that correct?' Mr. STANS. That is correct. Senator MONTOYA. And those are the only cash disbursements that it is your feeling went to the White House? Mr. STANS, Well, the $350,000 went to the, White House. The $75,000 that I gave to Mr. Kalmbach went for a White House purpose but I do not know that the White House ever got it. So far as I know, the $81,000 did not go to the White House, and the $39,000 did not go to the White House except, for one item,. which I have not yet told you about. On November 28, I got a call from John Dean, or it, may have been a day or two before November 28 which led to an action on November 28, saying that the $350,000 fund which had been turned over to Strachan in April had ad been depleted by $22,000 ; $22,000 had been used for some purpose, Since it was a fund for polling, I Just assumed that it was for polling. He said that he would like very much to have that fund restored to $350,000 so that if he ever had to account, for it, it would be intact. And as a matter of fact, along about, that time, we began discussions about whether or not the $350,000 might be given to the finance committee and taken into its receipts. But, he indicated it was quite important that he have $22,000 to restore the fund. So I gave him $22,000 out of the money that I had received through Tim Babcock, on November 28. He sent Gordon Strachan of the White House staff over to the office to pick it, up. Now, the other $17,000 that I had received from Tim Babcock I gave to Fred LaRue as a, payment on account of the $30,000 that he had given me to give back to the Philippine national. So that $39,000 was expended and those transactions have all been reported to the General Accounting Office in our last report. Mr. BARKER. - Senator Montoya, Senator Montoya, for the record, I might, indicate that in Mr. Dash's questioning on June 6 of Mr. Sloan at page 1254, he refers to the $81,000 figure, consisting of $18,000 and $63,000. Senator MONTOYA. I received that information from the transcript of the interview which indicates the sum of $89,000, so there must have been a typographical error but on page 4 of the interview of which we have a record it, indicates $89,000. Now, let's go back to [he cashier's check that, Mr. Dahlberg got in Miami and brought to Washington and then went back to Miami and was cashed. -Now was the cashier's check for $25,000, was that in the name of Mr. Dahlberg? Mr. STANS. Yes, it was on a Miami bank payable to Kenneth Dahlberg. Senator MONTOYA. Did he endorse it? Mr. STANS. Yes, he did. He endorsed it Just before he gave it, to me. Senator MONTOYA. Who cashed it? Mr. STANS. Well, I don't know for, a fact who cashed it except that I gave it to Mr. Sloan at the first, opportunity. Mr. Sloan discussed it 'with our general counsel Mr. Liddy, and -according to Mr. Sloan, Mr. Liddy undertook to cash it. Senator MONTOYA. That is all, Mr. Chairman. Senator ERVIN. It is sort of a warm day and the witness has been on the Stand for a long time. It is apparent we can't finish today so 'Without objection on the part of some member of the committee we Will stand in recess until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, Thank you. [01.19.40--Senators, photographers, others, stand to leave] [00.19.45--MacNEILL in studio] MacNEILL states that STANS will return to the stand tomorrow, to be questioned about the degree of his ignorance about how the money he raised was spent. Probably also comment about STANS' assertion that he complained to the White House about the cost of the campaign. States that STANS' testimony leads logically to next witness, Deputy Campaign Director Jeb MAGRUDER. STANS said that MAGRUDER was the one to authorize sums of money paid to LIDDY, and with LIDDY taking the Fifth, STANS' testimony is important. [01.20.41]