
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973 (1/2)

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973 (1/2)
Clip: 486648_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10399
Original Film: 109004
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.29.15] Mr. SANDERS. To your knowledge, was there any cash goal during the campaign? Mr. STANS. A goal to be received in cash? Mr. SANDERS. Yes, sir. Mr. STANS, I never heard of one. Mr. SANDERS. At or about the time -you became chairman of the finance committee, did you have some contact with Mr. Kalmbach, Herbert Kalmbach, concerning the transition--that is, the turnover to you of the funds he had on hand- -and receive an accounting for this? Mr. STANS. Yes. That happened before I became chairman of the finance committee but after the time, I had agreed to take on the job. Mr. Kalmbach had money in his possession, some, of which he had carried over from 1968 and some of which he had accumulated sub subsequently. It was a substantial amount of money and I had tried to have the understanding in 1968 and I wanted the understanding in 1972 again, that there would not be separate cash funds in operation outside of the hands of the treasurer. Mr. Kalmbach was totally in agreement with that and we had an understanding that he would turn in all the funds in his possession--not only before I became chairman, but before the law was- signed by the President. And I am told by him and by Mr. Sloan that on February 3 Mr. Kalmbach turned over to the finance committee all the money that he then had, cash and in bank accounts. Mr. SANDERS. Do you have a recollection of meeting with Mr. Kalmbach prior to that, February 3 date and receiving from him personally some accounting of the funds he had on hand? Mr. STANS. Yes, I remember that. Mr. Kalmbach and I met and talked about the very subject, we are talking about. Kalmbach gave me a statement showing how much money he still held in bank accounts and in safe deposit boxes. Mr. SANDERS. Do you recall the date, Mr. Stans? Mr. STANS. I think it was January 24. The date. is on the statement, and I believe you have a copy and I have a, copy. Mr. SANDERS. Mr. Chairman, I have a document here which I would like to have marked for identification and shown to Mr. Stans. Senator BAKER [presiding]. The document will be marked for identification and shown to the witness. Senator BAKER. Mr. Stans, before you proceed any- further, we have just received a vote signal. It is now 3:30 and if you are agreeable, to returning, we will take about, a, 10-minute break while we go vote, and come back and continue with your questioning. Mr. STANS. I will stay, Mr. Chairman. [00.32.36--MacNEILL in studio] MacNEILL states that the committee has taken a recess for a rollcall vote on the Senate Floor [PBS network ID--title screen--"SENATE HEARINGS ON CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES"] [00.35.08--MacNEILL] MacNEILL states that in the last hour of testimony, STANS will explain how he got the $75,000 that was given to Herbert KALMBACH for unknown purposes [00.35.28--Sen. ERVIN.]