
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973
Clip: 486616_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10397
Original Film: 109002
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.02.00--MacNEILL in studio] MacNEILL states that PORTER will come in for some praise by the end of his testimony, including some of Senator ERVIN'S now-famous Shakespearean quotations [00.02.16--committee room] Senator ERVIN. Senator Montoya. Senator MONTOYA. Mr. Porter, I believe at One Stage in your testimony, you stated that you had been instructed by Mr. LaRue, Mr. Magruder, Mr. Parkinson, and Mr. O'Brien not to mention Mr. Reisner in your testimony. Mr., PORTER. Yes, sir. I think, again, I am not sure that. I stated it exactly that way. I think what stated was that Mr. Magruder specifically asked me not to bring up Mr. Reisner's name to the FBI or to the grand jury. Mr. Parkinson-- Senator MONTOYA. Did you ask him for any reasons why? Mr. PORTER. I believe I asked Mr. Magruder why, and he said, well, he said, Bob's not involved in any of this. He is a, young guy, why don't you leave him? You know, it does not do any good to drag his name into it--words to that effect. Those are the same words I think Mr. Parkinson used--oh, he is a young fellow, he does not have to be dragged into this. If you do not have to mention his name, do not, mention it.' Senator MONTOYA. Did you know at any time that he might,, could be involved? Mr. PORTER. No, sir; I did not. Senator MONTOYA. What was Mr. Reisner's capacity or position in the CRP at that time? Mr. PORTER, Mr. Reisner was Mr. Magruder's administrative assistant, Senator MONTOYA. And pursuant to your conversation with Mr. Parkinson and the other people, _you did appear before the FBI, or you were interviewed by the FBI, you did appear before the grand jury, and you did appear before the U.S. attorney, did you not? Mr. PORTER, I did appear before the FBI--they did interview me. I did appear before the grand jury on one occasion, and I did appear at the trial of Mr. Liddy and Mr. McCord. Senator MONTOYA. And the testimony which you have used at all three places was with respect to the disbursement of approximately $100,000? Mr. PORTER. No, sir, that is not correct. Senator MONTOYA. What was your testimony? Mr. PORTER. My testimony was that I gave Mr. Liddy approximately $35,000--$30,000 to $35,000 which is correct. What, I stated was to, Mr. Magruder had asked' me in December how much a program of infiltrating radical organizations would cost, and I told him that it, might cost $100,000. Mr. Magruder, I understand, used that, that conversation, as a basis to then say that, he had authorized Mr. Liddy $100,000 for the infiltration of radical groups so that he would not have to say that he gave, authorized $100,000 to Mr. Liddy for dirty tricks. Senator MONTOYA. Well, there was a--- Mr. PORTER. I never-excuse me. Senator MONTOYA. There was a dialog between you and Magruder with respect to figures about which you would testify before the grand jury-namely, $100,000 or $80,000, was there not. Mr. PORTER. No, Senator, I think what you are referring to is that the $100,000 figure that I testified to was a hypothetical figure. I never testified---- Senator MONTOYA. I understand that, Mr. Porter. You mentioned this in a, conversation with Mr. Magruder, indicating to him that it could justify the expenditure of $100,000 by hiring 10 students. Mr. PORTER. Yes, sir. Senator MONTOYA. But, What figure did you testify to before the, grand jury and at the trial? Mr. PORTER. Which figure are you referring to, Senator Montoya? You mean the money I gave to Mr. Liddy or the money--- Senator MONTOYA. That is Correct;. Mr. PORTER. I testified to the FBI and to the grand jury and to the trial that, I gave Mr. Liddy a total, pre-April 7, of approximately $35,000. Senator MONTOYA. Where does the $100,000 enter into it other than, as you have mentioned with respect to the. illustrative case that, you have referred to? Mr. PORTER. It did not. Senator MONTOYA. All right. Now, when you went to Mr. Parkinson's office, did he at any time indicate to you that Mr. Magruder was going to contend that there had been a delivery of $100,000 to Mr. Liddy? Mr. PORTER. NO, sir. Senator MONTOYA. Now, did you at any time visit Mr. Silbert? Mr. PORTER. I have visited Mr. Silbert recently sir. Senator MONTOYA. Did you during those days when you were conversations with Mr. Magruder about a possible appearance that he might, make at, Mr. Silbert', office--did you at that time visit Mr. Silbert? Mr. PORTER. No, I did not,, Sir. [00.07.27]