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Displaying clips 2209-2232 of 10000 in total
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Capitol Journal - Campaigns 1986
Clip: 459856_1_1
Year Shot: 1986 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10223
Original Film: 31-3519
Location: N/A
Timecode: 03:00:00 - 03:27:49

Capitol Journal - Campaigns 1986

Bats and Balls: Nashville Landmarks
Clip: 459888_1_1
Year Shot: 1997 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 218
Original Film:
Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Timecode: -

01.00.29.- INT shots of the Country Music Hall of Fame Museum: blowups of US Postal stamps for Hank Williams, Patsy Cline and the Carter Family; stars on the floor for Ronnie Milsap, Ronnie McDowell, Jimmie Davis, Wilburn Brothers, Roy Clark and Brenda Lee, among others. Cut to LS's of CM Hall of Fame sign hanging outside building. 01.02.03.- tight LS's of a Nashville Trolley Co. car driving in traffic. 01.02.45.- LS's of downtown Nashville, of the Crook & Chase Showcase building. 01.03.09.- MS the CM Hall of Fame sign, pan L to EST shot of building. 01.03.30.- EST shot of Houndogs Hot Dogs & Footlongs (restaurant). 01.03.42.- EST shot Crook & Chase building. 01.03.57.- traveling shot inside a cheezy souvenir store (mucho silly artsy-craftsy knicknacks). 01.04.53.- LS's of the Ryman Auditorium and statue.

Bats and Balls: Tanning Factory
Clip: 459889_1_1
Year Shot: 1997 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 219
Original Film:
Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Timecode: -

SEE WPA 218 FOR DETAILED INFORMATION (identical programming)

Capitol Journal - Iran/Contra Deal
Clip: 459857_1_1
Year Shot: 1986 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10226
Original Film: 31-3793
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:12) Captiol Journal opening credits and animation 00:32 Shot opens to tv studio set where four men are seated in a group: show hosts HODDING CARTER and MARK SHIELDS, and guests Senator ALAN SIMPSON and Senator GEORGE MITCHELL (01:01:18) Carter reviews the Iran/Contra events thus far, shot of President RONALD REAGAN and NANCY REAGAN leaving the White House, a Reagan radio address is piped in over a shot of the White House, footage of Senators RICHARD LUGAR and BOB DOLE from appearances on NBC and ABC in which they criticize the White House administration for the Iran/Contra affair, Reagan meets with his cabinet to set up an investigative review of his administration, in a National address Reagan says he is appointing an independent counsel, Republican leaders hold a press conference, Senator ROBERT BYRD recommends further steps for the President, the Senate Intelligence Committee gathers for a private meeting, Vice President GEORGE BUSH defends Reagan's Iran/Contra operations as "leadership", Senator ERNEST HOLLINGS passionately discounts speculation that OLIVER NORTH acted on his own authority (01:05:46) Back in the tv studio panel discusses Reagan's involvement in the affair and what he should now do, how the Democrats feel about this slip up, what it means for Reagan's reputation as President, whether or not Reagan knew about the diversion of funds, the significance of North taking the fifth ammendment, the different committee line ups to investigate the affair (01:18:28) Footage of Bush passionately standing by Reagan, stating that Reagan will tell the truth and the American public will believe him, Senator Hollings criticizes Reagan for the affair (01:19:15) Back in the studio Shields introduces discussion panel - Dr. NORMAN J. ORNSTEIN of the American Enterprise Institute and CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER of the New Republic, about the length and extent of Congressional investigations, the affair's effect on the President's power, the American public's feelings about the affair and Reagan's involvement in it (01:26:58) Shields closes out the show, credits role (01:27:29) PBS funding credits

Biography: Joseph McCarthy
Clip: 459863_1_1
Year Shot: 1960 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 508
Original Film: WPA 1602
Location: Various
Country: United States
Timecode: 00:01:20 - 00:27:12

Biography of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy.

Capitol Journal - Elderly Rights/Medicare
Clip: 459865_1_1
Year Shot: 1985 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10158
Original Film: 31-2354
Location: United States
Timecode: 01:00:00 - 01:03:28

Capitol Journal - Elderly Rights/Medicare - Original Air Date May 16, 1985

Bats and Balls: Making Baseball Bats
Clip: 459892_1_1
Year Shot: 1997 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 225
Original Film:
Location: Upstate New York
Timecode: -

07.00.23.- MS/CU machine shaping & forming a baseball bat. MS's employee sanding bats. 07.06.48.- MS employee stamping production date onto ends of bats. CU stamp. 07.07.25.- MS's & CU's employee sanding a baseball bat; takes measurements with calipers. 07.16.36.- traveling shots of a wall of bats waiting next step of production. CU's stacks of bats. 07.20.10.- panning MS row of black bats drying. CU Bernie Williams model bats. CU Alex Fernandez model bats. 07.21.39.- CU's bats being black-stamped in machine. 07.23.47.- ECU Wally Joyner model bat, zoom out to MS of a stack of them. 07.24.25.- CU's employee typesetting, placing it into machine; black-stamps bats in machine. MS's as well. 07.32.22.- MS's employee dipping bats into whitish paint, then hanging them to dry. 07.34.13.- MS's employee dipping bats into black paint, then hanging them to dry. 07.40.32.- MS's & CU's employee spin-painting orange & blue stripes on baseball balls. 07.48.06.- CU's stack of special model bats. 07.49.48.- MS's employee placing rounded logs onto a conveyor belt. 07.51.27.- MS's employees moving a load of logs from a truck. 07.52.55.- MS's employee guiding logs into gulley (conveyor belt). 07.54.22.- CU's machine gears, rounded logs passing through it.

Bats and Balls: Making Baseball Bats
Clip: 459893_1_1
Year Shot: 1997 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 226
Original Film:
Location: Upstate New York
Timecode: -

08.00.22.- MS's employee feeding rounded logs into machine which shapes & forms them into baseball bats. 08.03.40.- MS's blades of shaping machine spinning (protective cover has been lifted). 08.04.50.- panning tight LS's of production area (backlog of wood). 08.07.47.- MS's rounded logs traveling on conveyor belt, passing through machinery. Employees trim log ends. 08.13.48.- EST shots of a Rawlings building, sunny afternoon. 08.15.11.- MS sign: ADIRONDACK PLANT NO. 8, RAWLINGS. Cut to EST shots of building. 08.16.05.- CU bins w/ names of MLB teams. CU baseball bats. 08.16.30.- MS/CU's employee white-stamping black baseball bats in a machine (Juan Gonzalez model). 08.21.29.- MS/CU's employee white-stamping the Rawlings logo on black bats. 08.27.23.- MS/CU's employee spin-painting silver stripes on black bats. 08.32.05.- MS's aisles of gray colored twine spools unfurling in factory. 08.36.41.- MS's aisle of threading machines. CU's spools of white thread feeding into machine. 08.44.11.- MS's employee changing spools of thread along machine. 08.47.31.- CU's spindles spinning, grey thread unfurling. MS's employee changing spools. 08.52.35.- CU's thread unfurling from spool until empty. MS's employees changing spools. 08.57.37.- wide MS employee changing spools along aisle of threading machines.

Biography: Pope Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli)
Clip: 459864_1_1
Year Shot: 1940 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1801
Original Film: WPA 1603
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:00:07 - 01:05:12

Biography: Pope Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli)

Chipping Sparrow
Clip: 433344_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2135
Original Film: WT516-B1905
Location: USA
Timecode: -

TAPE 2 Chipping Sparrows feed on ground

Capitol Journal - IIlegal Immigration
Clip: 459867_1_1
Year Shot: 1985 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10164
Original Film: 31-2403
Location: United States
Timecode: 01:00:00 - 01:03:18

Capitol Journal - Illegal Immigration

Bats and Balls: Scenics
Clip: 459895_1_1
Year Shot: 1997 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 228
Original Film:
Location: Upstate New York
Timecode: -

02.00.24.- panning LS's a scenic valley in Upstate NY, late summer (farmhouses, river, trees, etc). 02.03.13.- tight LS's & MS's in woods. 02.06.07.- low angle LS's clouds passing in sky. 02.07.32.- EST shots of a church. 02.08.36.- more LS's of valley (cars on road & bridge, boats on river). 02.11.50.- wide LS's of a river, houses along banks by bridge (small town feel, typical of the Adirondack area). 02.12.56.- LS's extremely rocky area of river. 02.14.04.- high angle MS of four ducks swimming near rocky coast. More river shots, water raging about rocks. 02.15.47.- more scenic LS's of the quaint river town. 02.18.55.- tight LS's of calm black river.

Bats and Balls: Making Baseball Gloves
Clip: 459896_1_1
Year Shot: 1997 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 229
Original Film:
Location: Ava, Missouri
Timecode: -

16.00.26.- shaky traveling shots of production floor, employees making baseball gloves at work stations. Camera wobbles past workers sewing and assembling gloves (by hand or by machine); a table of materials waiting assembly. 16.11.55.- traveling shots past racks of batter's helmets (dark & light blue, red, black, and gray). 16.14.15.- traveling shot through shipping & receiving department (warehouse). 16.15.05.- traveling shots through production area, batter's helmets being assembled (more racks of helmets drying after being painted; helmets on conveyor belt, workers assembling them; employees painting helmets). 16.25.01.- EST shots of Rawlings factory. MS's Rawlings road sign. 16.31.29.- CU employee pulling thin leather strips through eyelets of baseball glove. 16.32.28.- product shots of 2 finished leather gloves on a table.

Project Bluebook
Clip: 459898_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 240
Original Film: ColorStock
Timecode: -

Lots of short film clips thrown together in what appears to be no particular order (or reason). The footage is all very badly scratched and camera work is annoyingly shaky. Some clips are of light/objects in sky; hard to make out, though. Other shots of small child/toddler outside. Weird.

Peaceful bar-room scene
Clip: 440539_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 511-5
Timecode: -

Peaceful bar room

Capitol Journal - Abortion
Clip: 459868_1_1
Year Shot: 1985 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10180
Original Film: 31-2715
Location: United States
Timecode: 01:00:00 - 01:10:02

Capitol Journal - Abortion

Capitol Journal - Space Shuttle - Challenger Aftermath
Clip: 459869_1_1
Year Shot: 1986 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10189
Original Film: CJ 042
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:00:00 - 01:04:48

Capitol Journal - Space Shuttle - Challenger Aftermath

Uptown: Portrait of the South Bronx
Clip: 459902_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 245
Original Film:
Location: South Bronx, New York
Timecode: 01:00:04 - 01:29:09

"Uptown: Portrait of the South Bronx." Very interesting footage of poverty, family and race, particularly among Puerto Rican and African-American communities in the South Bronx, New York.

Hong Kong and Singapore, 1965
Clip: 459903_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 246
Original Film: WPA 015
Timecode: 00:01:14 - 00:10:36

Overexposed shots of (government?) buildings, then some shots of harbor, docks, people loading/unloading, temple, street market (not quite as overexposed). Overexposed high angle pan. Better shots of streets, children, military vehicle, man feeding monkeys, girl feeds them VS monkeys in trees. Barbed wire fence around Ford plant. More overexposed wide shots. VS harbor with lots of boats. Poolside pans of people lounging. Pan of hotel exterior (Singapore Continental). 04:19 Cu sign: Hitel Siam Inter-Continental. Vs other hotel exteriors and pool. 05:24 amazing footage from boat on a canal or river of rural shanty homes on the water. River corwded with boats and docks and rural riverside markets. People paddling up and down. 06:06 Policeman directs boat traffic from roof of low building next to the water. 06:51 several pans of crowded apartment complex. OVerhead pan of docks/harbor crowded with boats. 07:57 wide pan of mountainside homes crowded together. more riverside pans, boats. Overhead shots of fountains, traffic, urban scenes. POV from boat on water of urban docks, buildings, other boats in water. 09:29 VS boys and family on small flat-bottom boats paddling. 09:51 ext. Ilikai Hotel, ext Waikikian hotel, poolside and grounds. Notes on can: "Aylward #15: Hong Kong and Singapore 1965". Dull and touristy color home movie footage of these cities. Interesting sights, terrible cinematography. Vacation, travel

Capitol Journal - Television Violence
Clip: 459871_1_1
Year Shot: 1986 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10212
Original Film: 31-2266
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:14) Opens to montage of brief violent clips from contemporary tv programming - lots of explosions and gun firing, in tv studio Capitol Journal host HODDING CARTER introduces show (01:00:44) Capitol Journal title credit and animation (01:00:50) In studio Carter introduces the subject of tv violence, various clips of violent scenes from tv programs are intercut with street interviews of boys who all declare their love of violence, Carter standing outside the Capitol Building segues to Senate Hearings on the subject of tv violence, shot of Senator PAUL SIMON introducing to the Senate Judiciary Committee a bill he has developed - this intercut with quick clip from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, representatives from the major networks testify at the Senate hearings about their fears of censorship (01:07:32) Clip from the "A-Team" of thugs a machine gun at a little dog and an ensuing hand to hand brawl, Psychiatrist Dr. ROWELL HUESMANN (?) testifies before Senate Committee about the effects of tv violence on children, various kids on the street give their two cents about the effects of tv violence on their peers, PEGGY CHARRON of Action for Children's Television explains how she feels tv violence should be countered with other programing (01:11:04) Back in the studio Carter introduces his discussion panel: Senator Paul Simon, Dr. THOMAS RODECKI, ROY DANISH of the Television Information Office, JOE SWERDLOW (?) of Channels - they debate whether tv violence causes violent behaviour in viewers, the tv industry's relationship to violence, how violent programing should be dealt with (01:26:42) Carter thanks guests and closes out show, credits roll (01:27:30) PBS funding credits

Alka-Seltzer Test Commercials
Clip: 459873_1_1
Year Shot: 1950 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1011
Original Film: FFS-AA1001
Location: Elkhart, IN
Timecode: 01:55:12 - 02:19:52

A series of test commercials for Miles Laboratories (now Bayer). Some in B&W, others in color.

Western gun fight
Clip: 440541_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 511-7
Timecode: -

Western gun fight

Train robbery
Clip: 440542_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 511-8
Timecode: -

Train robbery

Clip: 440543_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 512-2
Timecode: -

Has no title

Displaying clips 2209-2232 of 10000 in total
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