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Field Museum - Chicago Skyline
Clip: 441053_1_1
Year Shot: 1950 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master:
Original Film: 561-16
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Timecode: 00:05:49 - 00:08:34

Preview Cassette 220546 Interior of Field Museum of Natural History. Stanley Field Hall with taxidermy elephants. Exhibit case with a portion of a tree. Exhibit cases with gems and minerals. Exhibit cases with taxidermy birds. Pacific Island regalia in case in Stanley Field Hall. Elepahnts in Stabley Field Hall. Pan across Grant park, with Petrillo band shell. Skyline in background.

Clip: 441054_1_1
Year Shot: 1948 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1972
Original Film: 562-1
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Timecode: -

On CS-16-562 Reel 1 Eating, drinking, sailing, etc. White guy dressed as Satan cooks for two middle-aged white couples. Numerous shots of boats being unloaded on docks, feighters and ships sailing on Mississippi River, passing ports, etc.

The Big Easy
Clip: 441055_1_1
Year Shot: 1977 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1972
Original Film: 562-3
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Timecode: 01:45:13 - 01:48:05

New Orleans (1977): Bourbon Street, street scenes, tourists, topless clubs, Absinthe Club, street sign at intersection of Bourbon & St. Louis streets,

July 29, 1994 - Part 5
Clip: 460092_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10055
Original Film: 102863
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(16:55:37) Senator SARBANES. Fine. Thank you very much, I think that an. swers that point. I just want to make a couple of observations, Mr. Chairman The Chairman. Senator Sarbanes Senator SARBANES. -because I know we are late in the day. First of all, I must say to the two Park Police that others have commented about the difficulty of your job. I find it difficult to cornprebend arriving at someone's home to tell them-it's a little bit like what Senator Murray was saying-telling them that a suicide has taken place, and that their husband or father is gone; and then -- I understand what you were trying to do-but then to proceed into an investigation. It just seems to me that the emotional reaction to the news, the shock of it, and the horror of it, and the tragedy of it is such that it would make the questioning very difficult to handle. I would think that the sort of responses that Senator Murray outlined would be natural responses, and I am frank to say I understand an effort to delay a public announcement in order to get to the man's mother so she does not learn about it over the television. I think that is quite understandable. Now, Ms. Braun, Senator Mack said to you "is it usual to have statements of the death of a victim released by the White House" and you said "no." Correct? Ms. BRAUN. Well Senator SARBANES. Let me ask you this question, It is not usual to have a suicide victim who works at the White House, either, is it? Ms. BRAUN. It is very unusual. Senator Sarbanes. Now let me ask you, Mr. Rolla, about these personal effects. I take it the key to the locker was in your desk? Is that the fact? The personal effects were in the locker? Mr. ROLLA. They were in a locked locker, and I had the key. Senator SARBANES. You had a key, and there was another key to the locker in your desk? Mr. ROLLA. There was one key to the locker, and that was locked in my desk. I had two keys to my desk. Senator SARBANES. OK Mr. ROLLA, One was with me, and other I forgot that I had saved and locked in a briefcase at work. Senator SARBANES. So this, quote, sort of "breaking into your desk," that was just to get the key to open the locker? Right? Mr. ROLLA. That is correct. Senator SARBANES. Now you recalled that you had another key down there? Is that right? Mr. ROLLA. Right. Senator SARBANES. Where was that key located? Mr. ROLLA. After I got through the original phone calls and it started to sink in, I remembered I had a second key to my desk. It's in a briefcase I keep at work that had a combination lock. I 107 gave them the combination to the briefcase so they could retrieve the other key. Senator SARBANES. So they got the key out and got the personal effects out of the locker. Mr. ROLLA. Correct. senator SARBANES. You bad no problem with returning the personal effects because everything in the personal effects that you thought was relevant to the investigation you bad made either copies of or notations of So you had the information that you thought might be relevant or needed with respect to the personal effects? Is that correct? Mr. ROLLA, I had the information I needed, but in another circumstance I wouldn't have returned the personal effects then, that way. I would have saved it for myself to return. It gives me a second opportunity to meet with the family and talk to them and reinterview them about other things. SenatorSARBANES. I see. Mr. ROLLA. That was not my first choice to do that, but again I was at home and had not much say in the matter. SenatorSARBANES. OK. Thank you very much. The CHAIRMAN. Senator DAmato. Senator D'AMATo. Mr. Chairman, I have not engaged in any questions as it relates to this aspect of our hearings and our witnesses, but I would just like to make an observation. It seems to me the kinds of things they have told us and reported to us are things that we could absolutely understand, or at least this Senator could. I mean, the fact of a death, the body being found, a I loved one, I wouldn't let you speak to my sister or my friend. I would tell you this isn't the time. I think you have to understand that. I certainly do; and I believe that to be the case. I think to try to read any more or any less into that aspect would do us a disservice, to be candid with you. I think sometimes we have a tendency when we look at things, literally what do you mean, et cetera, when you give your depositions the scene that is described had to be horrific. It bad to be horrifie for that family. Web Hubbell I have no great grief for, but Sheila Anthony was his comrade, his friend, his sister's friend, worked with him, and would see Kim coming in and putting his arms around and saying come on over here. I certainly do not think he meant to be abusive and I think Ms. Braun recognizes that. \

Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court
Clip: 425365_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-081-04
Location: Washington, DC
Timecode: 00:03:48 - 00:04:14

"Thurgood Marshall, great-grandson of a slave and the first African-American to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, tries on his official robes. President Johnson named him to replace Justice Tom Clark. He is honored by his Asian wife and family." MS Justice THURGOOD MARSHALL standing with his wife and children in his chambers, second wife Cecilia Marshall (Cecilia Suyat) helping him button his robe. CU Thurgood Marshall in judicial robes. MS Thurgood Marshall posing in robes with Cissy & two sons.

U.S. Oil Company Warehouse Burns
Clip: 425371_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-082-02
Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Timecode: 00:08:14 - 00:08:57

"A U.S. oil company warehouse goes up in flame in San Juan. Fearing a political firebombing, officials later determine the fire's origin accidental. Damage comes to a half-million." Great TLS thick plumes of black smoke rising from burning building, electrical transformers in FG. TLS smoke, burning building, American & Puerto Rican flags flying from flagpole in midground. MS flames & smoke. MS firefighters dragging firehose, spraying water. Panning TLS burning cars amongst wreckage. More shots fire, smoke, firefighting efforts. Over the shoulder MS newsreel cameramen filming fire.

Jewish New Year
Clip: 425373_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-082-04
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:09:27 - 00:10:08

"All of Israel ushers in the Jewish New Year with ceremonies by the faithful at the ancient Wailing Wall in the Holy City of Jerusalem. Prayers of joy and thanks are offered." TLS/MSs Jews praying at Wailing Wall; pilgrims walk toward it, praying at base. TLS/MSs Jewish women touching Wailing Wall.

Jackie Kennedy at Expo '67
Clip: 425374_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-082-05
Location: Montreal, Canada
Timecode: 00:10:08 - 00:10:37

TLS/MSs former First Lady JACQUELINE KENNEDY visiting Expo '67 in Montreal, large crowd following her every move. Jackie visits the American Pavillion, escorted by uniformed United States marines. Less than a year later she married Aristotle Onassis.

July 29, 1994 - Part 5
Clip: 460093_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10055
Original Film: 102863
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(17:01:33) It is easy to be startled, et cetera, but it is only as it relates to that aspect. That is what it seems to this Senator. I want to tell you, obviously given the significance of the person who died, given the significance of all those people who knew him, given the President coming in, I mean this certainly was not usual. It was totally unusual. We have to recognize that, regardless of who the personalities were in any one of those situations. So I would just tell you I think you did a good job under unusual circumstances. Any kind of death in this manner is horrific, but Giving the extra dimension surrounding it, I want to commend our Officers. 108 Dr. Beyer, listen, you operate under tough circumstances. I think sometimes some of our most important agencies get short shrift. You do not really recognize how important the coroner's bureau is,, We have got Leslie Lukash in my County who has been there I don't know how many years. He is an institution. You probably know him or have heard of him, and he continually -has to fight that battle to get adequate funding. But it does, given the nature and the seriousness of this case and all the circumstances surrounding it, give cause for people to as well, bow come some of these things weren't done as they should be or bow it appears it was done. In closing, let me say for the record, Mr. Codinha, Mr. Chertoff, those are our two counsel, and the Chairman have been extra ordinary in attempting to give us the opportunity to raise the kin of questions that should be raised, and I think we have gone to lengths to provide comity. I hope that we can continue, and I think we can. It is important for this institution and for the Committee. It is important for the' job that we undertake that we work in that manner. I We have our little back and forths as it relates to some politics that come in. We have not been without our own overstatements' at times, this Senator included, but the fact of the matter is it does' not mean that we should not grant to each other the kind of lati tude that extends to people working together in good faith and in a good faith effort. I have to tell you, I have seen that good faith,,' effort over and over again. So I want to tell you, Mr. Chairman, I appreciate the comity Of your staff. I cannot say this all the time as it relates to the other," side of the aisle because, politically down on the Floor, we have our: tugs side and battles, and Lord knows I am in there too on the other But I have to say that as it relates to the charge that we have from the Senate overall, you have been extraordinary in attempting' to deal with our concerns. I just think that has to be said. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you. I think everyone has worked coopera- tively. There are multiple points of view, but I appreciate the co- operation. I appreciate the work of the professional staff, I might just say, particularly to this panel, that the staff that has been assisting us. has been working 7 days a week, You folks have gone out on those' kinds of details. So everybody is a little tired just in terms of preparing to meet our start date which was mandated to us of today.' So I want to thank everybody for the record. There will be points at which there are some differences of opinion that have to be reconciled, and that is the nature of things. I think if we can continue to do it with good will and understanding and listening to one an-, other, we will get our work done and people will know what they need to know, and we can do a thorough and complete job. Thank you. Does anybody else seek recognition? [No response.] (17:05:24) The CHAIRMAN. Gathering not, then the Committee shortly will stand in recess. Let me also, before I adjourn, take this report the official bound report of the Independent Counsel on the Subject 109 Vincent W. Foster, Jr., and make this an official part of our record. Without objection. The Committee stands in recess until Monday at 10:30 a.m. [Whereupon, at 5:05 p.m., the hearing was recessed, to reconvene at 10:30 a.m., Monday, August 1, 1994.] (17:05:55) Commentary of Whitewater coverage hosts KEN BODE and NINA TOTENBERG, they also interview Senator PETER DOMENICI (17:28:29) WETA logo, PBS funding credits

Fragmentation Plant
Clip: 425375_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-082-06
Location: England
Timecode: 00:10:37 - 00:11:27

"The first of England's four Fragmentation Plants goes into action, reducing old, abandoned automobiles to small pieces of metal scrap in fifteen seconds. It also handles all waste metals like a giant sausage grinder." TLS/LSs metal grinder in a metal reclamation plant (junkyard); large pile of junk metal; a crane's claw drops a car into the grinder. MSs scrap metal rolling over large drum & onto conveyer belt that carries it upward, and then drops it into a waiting train car. A tractor affixed with a magnet lifts metal from a pile, swings right, and then drops it into a train car. TLS crane outfitted with magnets dropping scarp metal into railcar. MS magnet swinging about, picking up scrap, dropping it into car.

Clip: 425430_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-089-07
Location: New York City - fashion show
Timecode: -

Man-made fibers are spotlighted in a fashion show which has plastic-striped, see-through coats; micro-mini's with peek-a-boo side panels; cullotte suits; fur coats....and the "Victorian Look". Back tied fashion seekers stand while a model parades before them wearing a back and silver sequent coat. Unzipping it, she pulls it apart like a shell. Another model comes before the fashion seekers wearing a hooded cloak. Skipping it off, she reveals a skimpy black dress with a flower lapel between her breasts. The third model is rather "mannish," and walks down a runway, and onto a rotating box. Camera tilts upward from toes to head. The fourth model stands airing out her armpits with her hands in the air. Her dress is see-through on the sides. Sixth model wears a white fur coat with plastic knee high boots. The seventh model is middle aged, and wears a puffy Victorian styled harems dress.

Jackie Kennedy
Clip: 425449_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-092-04
Location: Cambodia - Royal Cambodian Palace.
Timecode: -

Mrs. John F. Kennedy fulfills a childhood dream by feeding the Royal Elephants of Cambodia. Her 9-day visit to Thailand and Cambodia includes a wide tour of exotic landmarks. Great shot of the Royal Cambodian Palace. First Lady Kennedy walks up the stairs of the palace under a traditional Cambodian umbrella. She sits with the country's royalty. An elephant comes to her. She feeds it a flower, but becomes startled. Additional footage of her walking around palaces with the Cambodian royalty. Jackie Kennedy.

Whitewater Hearings August 1, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460094_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10056
Original Film: 102864
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(10:30:01) PBS funding credits. Whitewater coverage title screen. .NINA TOTENBERG and KEN BODE introduce and discuss the day's hearing. Hearing begins with an explanation of the day's proceedings and remarks from the Chairman, Senator Donald W. Riegle, Jr...The first panel will consist of witnesses from the Resolution Trust Corporation...This afternoon, just to give everyone an indication of that part of our day, the second panel will consist of just a single witness, Jean Hanson, who is the General Counsel of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Ms. Hanson was previously employed at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver, and Jacobson, from 1976 until March 1993. She served as a consultant to the Department of Treasury from March 1993 until June 1993, when she was confirmed into her present position by the U.S. Senate. These two panels will focus on the matters that I've discussed. Let me invite, then, our first four witnesses to come to the table in front of the name tags that are there. I'm going to ask you to stand and raise your right hand. Do you swear that the testimony you're about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? (All respond: I do.)The Chairman: Very good. Please be seated. Mr. Ryan, I'm going to begin with you, You're the senior person at the table. I understand you have an opening statement you wish to make. Mr. Ryan. Yes, Mr. Chairman. The Chairman. Very good. Why don't you pull that microphone a little closer to you so you can be heard, and we'd be pleased to have your statement at this time. Mr. Ryan. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. My name is John E. "Jack" Ryan. I'm the Deputy and Acting CEO of the RTC, I became CEO on January 4, 1994, and assumed the role of Acting CEO on March 30, 1994. I'm a career regulator with over 30 years experience as a senior regulatory official with the Federal Reserve Board and more recently with the Office of Thrift Supervision where I served as the Director of the Southeast Region of that agency since October 1989. Over the course of my career, I have dealt with and managed many of the financial crises that have occurred in the United States during the past 20 years including Continental Illinois, Penn Square, the foreign debt problem, and the savings and loan crisis, to name just a few. Last December, I agreed to serve temporarily as Deputy CEO of the RTC until a permanent CEO could be found. When I agreed to the temporary assignment, it was my understanding that the process of selecting a permanent CEO was well underway and I anticipated that my tenure would be limited to a matter of a few weeks. Obviously, that expectation turned out to be incorrect and my job has now expanded to Acting CEO. As of this moment, I have no idea what the current status of the selection of a permanent CEO is, nor do I know how much longer I will have this responsibility. As I have repeat I told the RTC staff, I will continue to discharge my responsibilities, including those relating to Madison Guaranty, as though I was the permanent CEO and to the best of my ability. The RTC is fully cooperating with this Committee in the conduct of these hearings. The RTC has provided the information and data requested by this Committee and has made staff available for depositions and testimony.

Whitewater Hearings August 1, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460096_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10056
Original Film: 102864
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(10:50:27) The subject of Madison Guaranty, as I recall, may have come up 3 or 4 times during the course of those meetings. The discussions were procedural in nature and I'm quite certain that the substance of any allegations was not discussed. Let me note that Mr. Altman's instructions to me and to the other RTC staff always was to deal with Madison Guaranty the same as the RTC would deal with any other similar institution. 5 Regarding the meetings and/or contacts between Treasury and the White House, I first learned of the February 2, 1994, White House meeting in Mr. Altman's office during a question and answer session being held shortly before and to prepare for the February 241 1994, Senate oversight bearing. I bad no prior knowledge of this meeting and was unaware of any other contacts with the White House until I read about them in the press. As the Committee is aware, there have been press reports that a Kansas City investigator was told by a visiting RTC Washington lawyer that I would like to show that Whitewater did not cause a loss to Madison because it would "get us off the book." I have never instructed anyone to do anything but find the truth and work to see if the RTC had a cost-effective civil case, as is our regular procedure, In the final analysis, any judgment on the conduct of this investigation should be based on what is actually being done and on the results of the investigation that is underway. During my tenure, the RTC has taken the following steps: First, the reopening of the Madison investigation in light of the extension of the statute of limitations and additional information; second, the request of the Office of the Inspector General to -review the RTC generated report of the Rose Law Firm, as well as billings of that firm with respect to Madison; third, the retention by the legal division in early 1994 of Pillsbury, Madison, and Sutro to serve as outside counsel to help with the investigation; and fourth, the full cooperation the RTC has given to Special Counsel Fiske, When the RTC has completed its investigation and taken appropriate action, a full report of this matter will be made to the Congress. We fully expect to be judged by our actions at that time. Finally, I wish to state that no one at the Treasury has exerted any pressure or instructed me to do anything to influence the outcome of RTC's investigation of Madison Guaranty and I have never talked to anyone at the White House about Madison Guaranty or anything else, for that matter. I would be happy to answer any questions the Committee might have. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Mr. Ryan. Ms. Kulka, I understand you have a statement to make. Ms. KULKA. Yes, I do, The CHAIRMAN. We'd be pleased to bear from you now, and Maybe I can ask you to move the microphone just a little closer, too, so people in the back of the room are able to hear you clearly. STATEMENT OF ELLEN B. KULKA, GENERAL COUNSEL, RESOLUTION TRUST CORPORATION, WASHINGTON, DC Ms. KuLKA. My name is Ellen Kulka. I have been the General Counsel of the Resolution Trust Corporation since January 17, 1994. Before that, from February 1991 to January 1994, 1 was the Regional Counsel for the Northeast Region of the Office of Thrift Supervision in New Jersey. My first Government employment was in this capacity, Other than this period of Government service and a few years as assistant professor at the Graduate School of Management at Rutgers University, my entire professional career bad been in the pri 6 vate sector, where I practiced corporate, securities, and banking law. I have been frequently asked how I could possibly have accepted the job I now bold because of the widespread perception that the RTC operates in a difficult environment and might even be characterized as having bad a history as a very troubled agency in which anyone associated with it is subject to disparagement or worse. And it is true that many urged me not to accept the position because of its thankless, grueling nature. I would like to share with you my reasons for doing so because they are relevant to my perception of my responsibilities. I was first interviewed for the position of General Counsel in the spring of 1993, 1 year after the death of my husband following a 4-year illness.

Football - N.C. State vs Houston
Clip: 425377_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-082-08
Location: Houston, Texas
Timecode: 00:12:12 - 00:13:44

"North Carolina State pulls the upset of the week, toppling heavily favored Houston, 16 to 6. Pass interceptions are the key as Bobby Hall scores twice for the Wolfpack." Card reads, "FOOTBALL - N.C. State 16 - Houston 6." LS people walking toward Houston Astrodome (Astro Dome). CU Houston's mascot, a cougar. Panning TLS Houston fullback George Nordgren (sp) runs for 32 yards. TLS Houston Cougars QB Dick Woodall passing to tight end for 18 yrd gain. TLS well-dressed collegiate crowd standing, cheering. TLS Woodall passing to Bob Long for touchdown. TLS Wolfpack Mike Hillka intercepting Woodall pass. Cougar QB Ken Bailey being intercepted by Fred Combs (sp).

Rome Plow: Army Clears Jungle of Viet Cong Hideouts
Clip: 425378_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-083-01
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 00:13:55 - 00:14:56

Rome Plow: Army Clears Jungle of Viet Cong Hideouts "Bulldozers clear out acres of jungle northwest of Saigon in traditional Vietcong hideout areas. So far, 20.000 acres have been swept clean and 29 enemy camps wiped out." Vietnam Aerial shot of deforested jungle. TLS downed trees. Panning CU steel blade of bulldozer. TLS/MSs bulldozer crashing through the jungle, knocking down trees. TLSs bulldozer ramming down a tall tree, slowly pushing it over. Aerial group of bulldozers working a section of jungle. United States Army of Engineers project.

Tokyo Riot
Clip: 425379_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-083-02
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Timecode: 00:14:58 - 00:15:50

"Leftist students riot at the departure of Premier Sato for South Vietnam. Armored cars are burned and one-student dies in the fighting with 100 more injured and 400 police hurt." TLS/MSs young protesters pushing & shoving, hitting police with long bamboo poles. Great TLS two protesters sprayed off of buses parked on a bridge by high pressure fire hoses used by riot police, the protesters falling into river below. TLS/MSs protesters throwing rocks, debris at police. MS burning police vans. MCU student being manhandled by police. H/a TLS police wielding clubs chasing students through street.

Lady Bird Johnson Receives Honorary Degree
Clip: 425380_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-083-03
Location: Williamstown, Massachusetts
Timecode: 00:15:50 - 00:16:27

"The First Lady received an honorary degree at Williams College for her national beautification program. Anti-war demonstrators picket and leave the auditorium during the presentation." Panning MS First Lady LADY BIRD JOHNSON wearing commencement cap & gown, walking with school officials into Chapin Hall auditorium at Williams College to receive an honorary degree. LS anti-war protesters picketing across the street; MS anti-Vietnam protesters holding sign that reads, "Mrs. LBJ, Tell Your Husband To Stop Murder In Vietnam!" MS Lady Bird Johnson being awarded honoray doctorate of humane letters. Panning TLS audience standing, applauding.

Whitewater Hearings August 1, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460097_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10056
Original Film: 102864
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(10:55:14) In my more than 30 years of marriage, it had been he who had encouraged me to become a lawyer and to take on a full-time career, all this when it was an exception to the acceptable role of a woman with small children. During all those years, I had gladly limited my practice to the New Jersey area because of the needs of my family. In the spring and the late fall of 1993, as I weighed whether I should first seek and then accept a position at the RTC, it was my children, who are now young adults, who were the strongest advocates for my doing so. So, in fact, the overriding factor in my coming to Washington was personal-the desire to start anew, with an absorbing and challenging set of responsibilities. This is one circumstance where getting your wish carries with it more than could be anticipated. From a professional standpoint, I was, in fact, urged by a number of colleagues and acquaintances seriously to consider taking the job because they felt that I would bring to it strengths in a number of areas which were important to the task-my love of dealing with novel and difficult problems, my approach to problem -solving, which involved integration of overriding policy or strategic issues with an understanding of pragmatic concerns and, finally, my interest in management, as well as in the practice of law. I understood that I was accepting a position with a short life because the RTC will sunset on December 31, 1995, and thought that this was a plus since it would be bard to make a commitment to such a stressful and demanding position for a longer period. Furthermore, since my personal goals did not involve seeking public office or remaining in Washington permanently, and I have, in fact, maintained my residence in New Jersey, I could come to the position without worrying what this job might lead to. Therefore, I would be able to maintain -my independence, I saw the job as one similar to that which a trustee in bankruptcy perform s-managing a complex set of operational and, in my case, legal issues, while working toward the restructuring of a massive organization as it winds up its affairs. In the course of seeking advice from my colleagues about what was most important to weigh in coming to a final decision about accepting the position, one of them stressed the importance of working with a CEO whom you could respect and with whom you could share a common vision of the agency's mission. 7 This seemed to be the best advice I bad received, so I asked who would be the new permanent CEO of the RTC. I was told that a new CEO was expected to be nominated shortly, but his or her identity could not be shared with me at that time. However, a Deputy CEO for the RTC who would have day-to-day operating responsibility was about to be appointed immediately, to fill the new position created by the Completion Act, which became effective on December 17, 1993. His name was John E. Ryan. bad met him while While I bad never worked with Jack Ryan, I I was at the OTS where he was the Regional Director for the Southeast Region, based in Atlanta. More importantly, I knew "him by reputation to be strong, smart, and independent and of enormous personal integrity. He had al-ready had a long, distinguished career in bank and thrift regula-tion. Very pleased, I accepted the position. The RTC legal division has a big job. Over 80 percent of the agency's lawyers provide legal services in connection with the operation and winding up of over 700 receiverships and conservatorships and the sale of hundreds of billions of dollars of assets, Attorneys provide legal expertise in contracting, structuring, and selling real estate assets and securities portfolios, and the myriad of legal issues that any large corporation encounters. When I came to the RTC, I found a legal division that consisted of a number of independent practice areas that were geographically dispersed, providing legal services to various institutional clients within the RTC. I saw that one of my principal objectives was to develop a management structure and philosophy that would inte grate ice areas so that each area of the legal division would work with a better understanding of, and regard for, the other areas and the overall goals of the agency. I also understood that the legal work of the RTC included Managing a significant number of professional liability matters in which the agency pursues claims against directors, officers, lawyers, accountants, and others who had injured savings and loans for which the RTC had been appointed receiver or conservator. To date, these efforts have resulted in collections of almost $2 billion. I knew that the agency had been criticized, on one band, for abusing its power and bringing the full weight of the Federal Government to bear indiscriminately on those who rendered services to the S&L's and, on the other hand, for failing to pursue zealously the wrongdoers who have destroyed a large part of an industry and cost the American taxpayer so much.

Record Swim by Mark Spitz
Clip: 425383_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-083-06
Location: Berlin, Germany
Timecode: 00:17:43 - 00:18:35

"A 17-year old Santa Clara schoolboy, Mark Spitz, sets two world records in two days in a West Berlin swim meet. His amazing feat comes in the 100 and 200-meter butterfly events." LS indoor Olympic size pool, judge in FG. H/a LS swimmers leaping into pool from platforms. TLS/MSs butterfly stroke swimming competition. Footage followers the leader-- famed swimmer MARK SPITZ -- swimming, making turn, proceeding to other end of the pool. MS rather bored-looking crowd applauding.

Snowless Ski Jumping
Clip: 425384_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-083-07
Location: Germany
Timecode: 00:18:35 - 00:19:18

"A new nylon-mesh ski run provides a slippery surface for champion ski jumpers in Germany. The nylon is kept slippery by hosing it down, frequently. Top jumpers test it and find it perfect." H/a shot from atop ski jump, skier speeding down it. Panning TLS ski jumper in flight, landing on nylon mesh in lieu of snow. MS nylon being prayed with hose by white male worker. MS Norwegian skiier Bjorn Rukkula (sp) waxing ski. Panning TLSs ski jumpers descending wooden scaffold, shooting down, jumping onto nylon mesh. MS mostly young white crowd watching. TLS skier falling upon landing, sliding down hill. Panning TLS successful ski jump. MS crowd watching from angled slope.

Clip: 425385_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-083-08
Location: France
Timecode: 00:19:18 - 00:20:20

"Bull-jumpers and Bull-dodgers show their stuff in the 8th annual World Championships in France. Matadors side step and somersault over the charging beasts but some of the competitors go down hard." Traveling shot several matadors walking into bull ring. Panning TLS bull charging matador, who dodges gracefully out of the way. Panning MS bull running in plaza de toros. Excellent slow motion TLS matador leaping headfirst over charging bull, performing front flip into a somersault upon hitting ground. Wow! Great slow motion MS matador performing somersault over charging bull. MSs matadors spinning, avoiding charging bulls. TLS charging bull slamming into back of matador who was too slow in moving out of the way; caught in the bull's horns, he is flung up and down and left to right. TLS another matador mistiming his jump, being rammed by charging bull, the momentum tossing him into the air & upside down; his clthing stuck on bull's horns, the bull attacks him.

Whitewater Hearings August 1, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460098_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10056
Original Film: 102864
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(11:00:23) I believed, and continue to believe, that the overriding goal is to Pursue in a cost-effective, tenacious, and fair manner the best cases that can be brought against those whose behavior was egregious. I The RTC must bring those suits which are cost effective. It is not charged with punishing wrongdoers or prohibiting them from participating in the banking industry. That is the responsibility of other Government agencies, Overwhelmingly, those I have worked with closely in the legal division since I have come on board have exhibited extraordinary commitment, integrity, and talent. Preserving the legal division's ability to maintain the staff it needs to do its remaining work and 8 to keep morale high is one of the most important and challenging tasks I face. Thank you. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much. I understand, Mr. Roelle and Mr. Katsanos, that you do not have opening statements. Mr. ROELLE. That's correct. Mr. KATSANOS. Yes, The CHAIRMAN. Very good. I'm going to start, then, with you, Ms. Kulka. First of all, I think your late husband gave you good advice to come back into public service and I appreciate your statement that you've just given to us. Now, I think I should explain that all of you have earlier been cross-examined in a deposition by attorneys, and so, you've made statements prior to today. Part of what we will do is review some of those statements you made earlier. Let me start with you in that regard. I want to lay a foundation for some questions that I want to pose to you. On February 2, 1994, you were the Chief Legal Officer at the RTC. Is that correct? Ms, KULKA. Yes. The CHAIRMAN. Also on that date, February 2, 1994, you were the senior lawyer in charge of the overall investigation and evaluation of Madison Guaranty matters for the RTC. Is that correct? Ms. KULKA. That's correct. The CHAIRMAN. Also on February 2, 1994, did you then understand that the President and the First Lady, in their individual capacities, might be subject to a civil lawsuit brought by the RTC? Ms. KuLKA. I understood that their names bad been mentioned in connection with Madison Guaranty and that there were transactions involving a corporation they had a participation in that was connected with Madison Guaranty. The CHAIRMAN. Now, on February 1, 1994, did you brief Roger Altman, who then was the Interim CEO of the RTC, about the specific status of the case preparation of the Madison case? Ms, KULKA. I don't recall the exact dates when I bad meetings with Mr. Altman that would have dealt with Madison. But it is the case that, early in February, I did meet with him and discuss procedural aspects of the case. The CHAIRMAN. What about the specific status of the case preparation? Ms. KuLKA. What I discussed with Mr. Altman related to the effect of the extension of the statute of limitations as it was enacted in the Completion Act that was effective December 17, 1993, and any claims that might arise out of the Madison Guaranty failure, because Madison Guaranty had been taken over by the Federal Government, essentially, and a receiver appointed in February 1989, the statute of limitations having run in 1992. 1 understood the effect of the extender that was provided by the Completion Act meant that, with respect to claims that were fraud or intentional misconduct, there would be a retroactive reopening of the statute of limitations from the period in 1992, when it had originally run with this institution, and that it would again expire with respect to any claims that could be made with this institution 9 in February, again, the end of February 1994. 1 discussed that and other aspects of bringing a case by that date with Mr. Altman. The CHAIRMAN. Our information indicates that discussion, in all likelihood, was on February 1, 1994, but you indicate it was early in February. This question then becomes, I think, an important one. When you had that meeting with Mr. Altman about this case, did you make it clear that you were not yet ready to make a decision on the case, the agency was not ready, and that it was unlikely that you would be able to have as much information as you would need to have before the February 28, 1994, statute of limitations would expire? Ms. KuLKA. No. The CHAiRmAN, You did not say that. Ms. KULKA. No. The CHAIRMAN. All right. Now, on February 1, 1994, did Roger Altman inform you, or the date of this meeting, which we think was on that date, that he was going to the White House on February 2, 1994, to explain the information that you'd given to him? Ms. KuLKA. No. The CHAiRmAN. You bad no knowledge of an intention on his part to do that? Ms. KULKA. I had no knowledge of his having gone to the White House or of any intention to do so witb respect to anything on this sub ect until the question and answer session that we were conducting with Mr. Altman immediately prior to the Oversight Board hearing held by the Senate in late February.

Prince Charles the Collegiate
Clip: 425381_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-083-04
Location: England
Timecode: 00:16:27 - 00:16:57

"England's future King becomes a freshman at Trinity College of Cambridge University. The 19-year old Prince will major in archeology and anthropology." MS/CUs young PRINCE CHARLES exiting car, surrounded by police, press photographers and onlookers; Lord Butler of Trinity College meets the new freshman. MSs Prince Charles walking through a library, stopping to open book. MS/MCUs handsome Charles standing dressed in a collegiate robe in courtyard.

Displaying clips 3145-3168 of 10000 in total
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